كل شيء عن منطقة 2020 ومستقبلها بعد الإكسبو
إكسبو 2020 يسير بكل روعته في الوقت الحالي. ولكن هنا سؤال، ماذا يحدث لموقع إكسبو بعد انتهاء الإكسبو في مارس 2022؟ حسنًا، الإمارات ليست البلد الذي يخيب الآمال في النواحي المعمارية ولن يتغير ذلك مع موقع الإكسبو - المنطقة 2020.
المنطقة 2020 هي مفهوم لمدينة ذكية ومستدامة تُبنى في موقع إكسبو 2020 بعد انتهائه. سيتم تحويل موقع إكسبو 2020 إلى مجتمع تكنولوجي كبير الحجم يعتمد على مبادرات الطاقة النظيفة. باختصار، سترث المنطقة 2020 إرث إكسبو 2020 وستحمله بكامل قوته.
مستقبل إكسبو 2020: المنطقة 2020
إكسبو 2020 هو حدث عالمي مستمر يضم 192 دولة. يهدف إلى ربط الدول والمنظمات في جميع أنحاء العالم للخروج بحلول عملية لأكثر التحديات الحرجة التي تواجه العالم وهذا الكوكب. تحتوي كل دولة على جناح خاص بها في إكسبو 2020 يقدم للزوار نظرة عابرة عن الفن والثقافة والتراث في تلك الدولة.
بعد انتهاء إكسبو 2020 في مارس 2022، سيتم تحويل الموقع الذي يجري فيه إكسبو إلى منطقة 2020. ستكون مجتمعًا بشريًا مدعومًا بالتكنولوجيا بكامله يضم مناطق سكنية وتجارية ووحدات ترفيهية والمزيد من ذلك.
لنلق نظرة على كيفية حياة المجتمع الجديد.
منطقة 2020: مجتمع يركز على الإنسان
Even before its establishment, the community is already among families. District 2020 is set out to become a human-centric community that promises a good work-life balance. Any ambitious professional in UAE can tell you that the swift lifestyle of the country disrupts the social connectivity among peers and families. District 2020 aims to change that.
The residential spaces will be truly from the future – modern and equipped with the latest tech amenities. The residential areas will include all facilities you need for an optimal living including schools, vehicle routes, pedestrian walkaways and retails strips.
Holistic Lifestyle
As mentioned above, the new community is going to be a human-centric community. It will be developed undertaking all aspects of human needs – social, professional, health, etc. This site is going to be perfect for people who incorporate healthy rituals into their life routines. District 2020 is set to feature five kilometers of jogging pathways, ten kilometers of bike tracks, and 45,000 sq. meters of green spaces (parks and gardens).
Smart Mobility
In an attempt to reduce carbon consumption and traffic on the roads, there will be a pedestrian-friendly community that will offer and promotes public transport and smart shuttles. Seamless and easy transport would ensure connectivity and convenient mobility.
Leasable Apartments
The residential apartments are going to be amazing. Not only will they offer high-end architecture and modern design, but they will also come equipped with the latest technology and amenities. Like in other areas of UAE, the real estate market of District 2020 will offer flexible housing options and plans. You will be able to find apartments, flats, studios, suites, etc.
Competitive Free Innovative Ecosystem for Work
The competitive free zone is a major highlight of the District 2020 work environment. Although no major details have been released by the authorities about this initiative, we can project how much the competitive free zone structures will help the innovation-driven business and professionals with innovative ideas.
Leasable Office Spaces
District 2020 will have a myriad of choices for commercial spaces catering to both small and big businesses. Because District 2020 aims to foster collaboration and professional bonding, you will find offices and co-working spaces too.
And these commercial spaces will not be limited to offices only. District 2020 has its focus on innovation and technology. The commercial areas will also include spaces suitable for innovation labs and R&D centers.
District 2020 will feature campus-style buildings as well as high-rise buildings. With commercial units ranging from 50 sq. meters to 800 sq. meters, these buildings will be able to cater to businesses of all sizes.
District 2020 as a Cultural and Social Hub
Life in the new community will not be static; there will always be something going on worthy of tourist attraction. In fact, this site can become the next cultural and social destination because this is the heritage it will collect from the present Expo 2020. This heritage will not go in vain; it will be collected and stood upon with all glory.
That is all for today on District 2020. There are a lot of projects which cannot be covered in a single article. Also, the situation is continuously developing so we will be back with more news. Stay tuned and remain well informed!